
My talk “Self-Skepticism” at Skepticon 4 in Missouri. I discuss what led me to become skeptical of my decisions and beliefs, as well as what studies say about the reliability of our self-knowledge.

Click here for the talk slides.


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    1. Glad you enjoyed the talk. I’m also glad you posted that parole decisions link, because it is something that people talk about a lot, but which may actually be invalid. The original paper is this one:

      I ALMOST included it when writing my talk, until I discovered this paper (by different authors):

      which claims that the original study did not control for all the relevant factors regarding which prisoners get seen at different times of day, and so the results are suspect. Now that I think about it in retrospect, the effect size in the original paper is so large that it seems rather hard to believe that they could have accounted for all the relevant factors.

      1. Sigh. Can we trust nothing anymore? 🙂 Along the lines of selective data, this was a fascinating TED talk I recently viewed by an epidemiologist about how drug companies can be “selective” in their FDA submitted studies: Ben Goldacre: Battling bad science. He speaks fast, but I think you’ll enjoy the content!

  1. The examples of self-knowledge you gave aren’t actually self-knowledge, they’re comparisons to other people.

    It would be interesting to find out to what extent people can accurately assess what they can do rather than whether they’re better or worse than average.

  2. I have been around long enough to realize that my beliefs are definitely unreliable. My experiences as an investor have taught me that my instincts about where the stock market is going, combined with seeking out information which confirms my instincts, have led to fairly consistent bad results. Similarly, I was on a low carbohydrate, high protein diet (which contained a lot of meat) for many years, and again sought information which confirmed my beliefs, and I believed in it 100%. However, when my wife suggested we try a Whole Foods, Plant-Based diet, I was open to it as an “experiment”. And now it is clear to me that this type of diet is absolutely working better for me on every level. My biggest learning is that my beliefs should always be challenged. They should always be seen as tentative.