A Simple Trick for Eating Healthier

I believe healthy eating is hard because it's often in tension with the three other things we typically care about when eating: taste, price, and convenience. When we're choosing what to eat, healthy food may not be the tasty, cheap, or convenient option. How can we prevent this tension between healthiness and the other factors we care about? Another reason healthy eating is hard is that we are normally forced to choose whether to make the healthy choice (or not) over and over again eac...

Tips for Productive Disagreements

By Akshay Gupta
Typically when two people disagree, neither makes significant progress in convincing the other, and little or nothing is learned on either side. It's tough to make real-life disagreements productive, but here are my favorite techniques for making it easier to do so. These help more if you are significantly motivated to use the disagreement to deepen mutual understanding of the issue. I'm assuming here that you have control over your own behavior, but not over the other persons, because th...

Strategies for Improving Motion Sickness in Vehicles

In case you or a loved one get severe motion sickness in cars, boats, planes, trains, etc., here is a fairly comprehensive list of tricks that you might find helpful: If possible, choose to be the driver rather than the passenger.DO NOT use your phone or read in the vehicle.Always roll down the window when it's feasible, in order to get air blowing in your face (cool air is best). If rolling down a window isn't feasible, then swivel air vents to blow air into your face if possible.Carry ging...

The Impact of Indirect Punishments

I think it’s important to be aware of what we punish other people for. Including, and perhaps especially, barely detectable punishments that we give (which we may ourselves only be dimly aware of), and punishments that we give to people in our life, such as friends, family members, romantic partners, and work colleagues. Since punishment reduces certain behaviors, it’s important to consider whether we actually want to reduce the behavior we’re punishing. It’s critical that we not punish beha...

How to Have a Better Experience on Facebook

No attribution required
Are you addicted to FB? Wish you used it less than you do? Feeling less happy, or less connected to your actual life? Finding that likes are way more important to you than you wish they were? Notice yourself tempted to scroll even though you are hanging out with a friend or loved one? Here are some steps that you may find useful to reduce the negative aspects of FB: Step 1: Turn off notifications on your phone. Seriously. This ideally means both vibrations/pings and the badge that sho...

Time(line) of your Life!

Image by: MichaelGaida (pixabay.com)
An exercise I've found to be useful is creating a timeline of my life (I've embedded the link to the template I use below). I organized the data using a spreadsheet, with one row for each month that I've been alive. I created columns to indicate when I reached major life milestones, experienced major losses, began important relationships, finished books that had a big impact on me, etc. I update it a few times per year and try to include the best and worst things that have ever happened to ...

Coming to Terms with Mortality

Here is a list of ideas that helped me have less fear of my own mortality. I hope that you find some of them useful if you're afraid of dying.You've been dead before: you already know what it's like to be dead (i.e., it feels like nothing, it's a total lack of any experiences). You were dead from the moment of the Big Bang (assuming that's when time started) until some time after your conception. If any of the human religions turn out to be correct, then you may even have a chance of continuing...

47 Nearly Effortless Ways to be a Better Human Being

SMALL ACTS FOR STRANGERS Don't talk on the phone in small enclosed spaces (e.g., crowded elevators or small waiting rooms). If you're on the phone and heading towards an elevator with lots of people in it, tell the person you will call them right back. Don't use your phone during the process of ordering at a coffee shop or restaurant; it's very annoying for staff to be half ignored during your order. If there is a temporary crowd (for instance, trying to get out of a train), wait for t...

Preventable Personal Dangers

I don't usually advocate for worrying more. Quite the opposite, in fact, but there are at least a handful of personal dangers to your happiness and life that you may be overlooking. Specifically, the below list of things that may be worth worrying about more because they: (a) could be more likely to impact you than you realize (b) could have severe consequences if they do affect you (c) are at least moderately preventable My hope is that this post will help prevent at least one ...

The Problem with Pseudo Work

Pseudo work (PW) is a problem. Pseudo work consists of tasks that feel productive but neither contribute to your goals nor help anyone else to any meaningful degree. PW (pseudo work) is neither fun nor useful but, because it feels like work, we allow ourselves to do it and consider it work time. That means we may not even have it on our radar as something to get rid of (unlike pure procrastination time, which we know we want to reduce). Yet if we remove PW, we can free up time for either real w...