Soldier Altruists vs. Scout Altruists

Soldier Altruists vs. Scout Altruists
April 23, 2021
There is an important division between people who want to improve the world that few seem to be aware of. Inspired by Julia Galef's new book (The Scout Mindset), I'll call this division: Soldier Altruists vs. Scout Altruists. 1. Soldier Altruists think it's obvious how to improve the world and that we just need to execute those obvious steps. They see the barriers to a better world a...

It can be shockingly hard just to understand three variables

It can be shockingly hard just to understand three variables
April 19, 2021
In science (and when developing hypotheses more generally), it is very common to come across situations where a variable of interest (let’s call this the dependent variable, “Y”) is strongly correlated with at least two other variables (let’s call them “A” and “B”). Here are some examples:  If you’re a psychology researcher investigating possible causes of depression (Y), you may have trouble...

Tricks for Getting Started on a Project When You’re Stuck

Tricks for Getting Started on a Project When You’re Stuck
April 19, 2021
If you ever have trouble starting on something that's important or find yourself procrastinating on a project, you may find it useful to notice what you feel at that moment and design your approach based on it. Here is a list of "feeling-based" strategies that may help you get started on what you have trouble getting yourself to do: If you are feeling: 1. unsure of where to start-> th...

What’s helpful and what’s unhelpful about postmodernism, critical theory, and their current intellectual offshoots?

What’s helpful and what’s unhelpful about postmodernism, critical theory, and their current intellectual offshoots?
March 29, 2021
More often than not, I find that postmodernist thought obscures rather than illuminates. But I also see useful elements in it. Here's my very un-postmodern attempt to "steel man" (i.e., find the value in) ideas related to postmodernism: 1. Narratives Serve Power - powerful groups do tend to have a substantial influence on narratives, beliefs, and what's "normal." Something "obvious" o...

Twelve Recursive Explanations

Twelve Recursive Explanations
March 21, 2021
If the Overton Window were not inside of itself, you'd think I was crazy for writing this.Is it just me, or has the Baader-Meinhof effect been popping up all over the place ever since I learned about it?It's hard to justify learning about opportunity costs when there are so many other things you could be doing with that time.I don't think the idea of being Pareto Optimal has made anyone better of...

Ten weird moral theories

Ten weird moral theories
March 19, 2021
1. Occamism: the simpler a moral theory is, the more likely it is to be true. Hence (a priori), the most probable two moral theories are that (a) everything is permissible or that (b) nothing is. 2. Majoritarianism: an action is morally right if and only if the majority of conscious beings capable of understanding that action and its consequences think it's right. 3. R...

What social policies are low-hanging fruit in the U.S.?

What social policies are low-hanging fruit in the U.S.?
March 13, 2021
As far as I can tell, there are some policies that could be implemented in the U.S. that would very likely improve society according to both the values of the left and the right. So why don't these policies get implemented? If I'm right, these represent massive wasted opportunities. I think there are a number of possible reasons why even good, bipartisan policies don't get put into p...

Difficult truths that are part of being human

Difficult truths that are part of being human
March 5, 2021
Here's my list of difficult truths that are part of being human. We can: A. Lie to ourselves about them, B. Avoid thinking about them, or C. Try to accept the parts we can't change and change what we can. If you're in camps A or B, don't read this post! Here are Thirteen Difficult Truths: 1. Irrationality - we humans are not rational, despite the fact that most o...

Seven amazing things we take for granted most of the time, ordered from least to most weird

Seven amazing things we take for granted most of the time, ordered from least to most weird
February 19, 2021
1. How much dogs love us. There is no way we've been good enough boys/girls/humans to deserve this. 2. Popcorn. It's freakily amazing that corn kernels turn into this stuff. And as a bonus, it's delicious. 3. That humans, working together, eradicated the last wild strain of smallpox in the 1970s. This was a mind-blowingly huge win for our species. It had plagued us since ~3rd...

Eight ways you can get more enjoyment from the same activity

Eight ways you can get more enjoyment from the same activity
February 7, 2021
A. FOCUS 1. Attention: focus on every detail of the experience much more intently than normal. Ex: with each bite, notice as much as you can about the flavor and texture Ex: try to hear every distinct instrument in the music as it comes in and fades out 2. Savoring: try to extend and enhance enjoyable moments by using "metacognition" - become aware of how muc...