It's interesting to observe the effects of AI on chess as a sport. You might expect that since AI defeated Gary Kasparov in 1997, and subsequently, AI became far better than any human player, interest in chess would diminish. But interestingly, there has been a surge in interest over the past 5 years, with more and more people playing and watching it (COVID and the Queen's Gambit get some of the credit).
Watching experts analyze AI chess games can also be fascinating. It's like a human tryin...
Companies shirking their responsibility to make AI text detectable

It's really a shame that OpenAI hasn't deployed its technology for detecting whether text was generated using ChatGPT, despite it being developed 2 years ago.
They know students are currently using their technology to cheat at a truly massive scale. And teachers struggle to know what to do about it. OpenAI's inaction damages the academic environment - especially for the non-cheating students, but even for the cheaters, too.
You've got to prove you can be trusted to do the right thing in s...
Understanding the Landscape of Viewpoints on the Risks and Benefits of AI

I've seen seven main viewpoints on AI and the future from those who spend a lot of time thinking about it:
(1) Superintelligence Doomers - they believe we are likely to build AI that's superintelligent (i.e., that surpasses human intelligence in all respects) and that once we do, it will kill or enslave humanity.
See: Eliezer Yudkowsky
"The AI does not hate you, nor does it love you, but you are made of atoms which it can use for something else."
(2) AI Corrosionists - t...
The benefits and soul-crushing downsides of A.I. progress
There are many benefits to A.I., such as being able to generate beautiful art, inspiring music, captivating writing, and mesmerizing videos. It democratizes creation (people can now create what’s in their minds), lowers costs (replacing human labor with algorithms), and enables hyper-personalization (works can be made just for you). The benefits are big and important.
But there is also something soul-crushing about it. People spend decades learning a craft and then see an A.I. make something...
How to make OpenAI’s ChatGPT/GPT-4 work better: my favorite custom instructions

I've done a bunch of experimentation with giving permanent custom instructions to ChatGPT/GPT-4. Below, I've included the set of custom instructions that seem to work the best for me. Feel free to use these instructions if you find them helpful (you can make them permanent so they get used with every prompt you send to GPT by adjusting your settings):
-In your responses, channel the wisdom of the greatest minds that have ever lived, like [list whoever you think are the greatest minds...
13 metaphors to give the flavor of why sufficiently advanced A.I. could be extremely dangerous

1. Suppose a new species evolves on earth with the same intellectual, planning, and coordination abilities relative to us that we have relative to chimps. Chimps are faster and stronger than most humans - why don't they run the show?
2. Suppose aliens show up on earth that are far smarter than the smartest among us at all cognitive tasks. They have specific goals that aren't fully aligned with ours, are completely unconstrained by human morality, and don't value our survival. What happens ne...
Nine ways that text-generating AIs will probably change the world in the next ten years

Note (March 26, 2023): I first wrote this list on December 3, 2022. Since then, GPT-4 has come out, and several of the points in this list are closer to happening. For example, point #2 is partly true already, thanks to Bing Chat (which runs on GPT-4).
Here are nine ways I think that AIs that generate text (like GPT-3) will have a >50% chance of changing the world for the better and worse in the next ten years:
#1: The internet will get flooded with AI-written articles, and...
Podcast transcription services comparison

This essay was co-authored with Josh Castle.
In case you haven't heard, I started a podcast about 15 months ago called Clearer Thinking with Spencer Greenberg. The format is that we invite brilliant guests to bring 4 or 5 "ideas that matter", and then we aim to have a fun, intellectual discussion about those ideas. Over the course of several months, listeners repeatedly requested transcripts for the show. So, our production team started doing a little bit of research to figure out how m...
Many global challenges arise due to collective action problems or incentive misalignment

Many of the biggest challenges that we face in society are due to one or both of these types of problems:
(A) Collective Action Problems, where many individuals or groups are currently better off taking action X, even though they'd be better off in the long-term if everyone agreed not to take action X.
Some of the big challenges with Collective Actions Problems are (i) getting people or groups to agree to stop the behavior in the first place, and then (ii) creating a v...