The enduring wisdom of a disabled man born into slavery nearly 2000 years ago

Imaginary portrait of Epictetus. (Imagine is in the public domain
This is a cross-post from my post on the Clearer Thinking blog (from March 1, 2022). The post first appeared on this site on December 3, 2022. Epictetus, born ~50AD, was a disabled man born into slavery in Phrygia (present-day Turkey). Nothing that he wrote down survives; we know about him only through the words of other scholars. But he was so wise that his ideas reverberate through society today. This article summarizes some parts of his incredible life and the impact that he had on the wo...

Intersecting advice from highly successful people

Photo by Paulina Milde-Jachowska on Unsplash
It's popular to read interviews and books with advice from highly successful people. But is their advice good advice? Perhaps it works for their situation, but that doesn't necessarily mean it generalizes to other circumstances. Maybe they are just overfitting to their personal life experience. Perhaps they are attributing too much of their success to the actions they happened to take rather than to factors outside of their control. And what should we make of the fact that advice often contradi...

On How to Process Your Emotions

Photo by Pranavsinh Suratia on Pexels
We’ve all heard that you should take time to “process your emotions” and not “repress them.” But after a bad event occurs, what exactly does it MEAN to process your emotions? I think that, ideally, it involves a mix of these components: (1) Noticing: paying close attention to your negative thoughts instead of pushing them away or trying to ignore the bad feelings. What are the EXACT words running through your mind? How does it feel right now to be you? What do your body and mind feel li...

Responsibility Mindset

Image by Johannes Plenio from Pexels
Written: September 17, 2020 | Released: August 20, 2021 The "Responsibility Mindset" is one of the most powerful perspectives I know of. It's the difference between: 1. "The ball wasn't on my side of the court, so I didn't go for it," and2. "Clearly, nobody else was going to be able to hit the ball in time, so I ran for it." 1. "This party is boring," and2. "Who wants to dance with me? Let's get this party started!" 1. "I can't do my job because nobody is doing this thing I need,...