Eight ways you can validate someone’s emotions in a healthy way (and four strategies to avoid)

Photo by Adrianna Geo on Unsplash
A lot of times, when people are upset, they want their friends and loved ones to "validate their feelings." I think there is a lot of confusion about what it really means to "validate feelings," and I also believe there are both healthy and unhealthy forms of doing this validation.  Healthy vs. Unhealthy Emotional Validation  I would say that the main difference between the healthy validation of emotions and the unhealthy version is that the healthy version is based on genuine c...

The Nine Causes of Disagreement

There are an incredible range of subjects that people disagree about, but only a small number of core reasons that people disagree. When we encounter complex and difficult to resolve disputes, it can be helpful to break them down in terms of these reasons. This process can help give us insight into what is preventing a consensus from being reached. Disagreements can be caused by: 1. Facts. People have access to different information. One person has studied physics, another hasn't. One has spen...