How word choice subtly manipulates us

Images by Lisa "welshie.wonders" on Pexels (eye) and Piotr Łaskawski on Unsplash (letters)
It's remarkable the degree to which language can paint a picture of something being good or bad, or someone being trustworthy or unreliable, without actually making any factual claims. The more aware of this you become, the more you start seeing it all over the place. Language is often not neutral and objective even when it professes to be. We all know that language can have positive or negative connotations without actually claiming anything specific, but I think it's easy to underestimate how...

Coming to Terms with Mortality

Here is a list of ideas that helped me have less fear of my own mortality. I hope that you find some of them useful if you're afraid of dying.You've been dead before: you already know what it's like to be dead (i.e., it feels like nothing, it's a total lack of any experiences). You were dead from the moment of the Big Bang (assuming that's when time started) until some time after your conception. If any of the human religions turn out to be correct, then you may even have a chance of continuing...