Three hypotheses to consider when a medical issue can’t be diagnosed

Photo by Alex Green on Pexels
As you may have experienced yourself, sometimes, when people are chronically ill and go to lots of doctors, the doctors conclude that there is nothing medically wrong. I think it's important in these cases not to jump to a conclusion too quickly about why it has remained undiagnosed and to take seriously *all three* of these possibilities: 1) Diagnosis Error: It's a non-standard presentation of a known disease or a rare (or frequently missed or misunderstood) disease, making it hard to g...

Psychological Outliers

It's easy to underestimate how remarkably different our psychological experiences can be. "Psychological outliers" may be much more common than you think because there are so many ways a person can be an outlier. If you are a psychological outlier in some way, you may assume others are more similar than they really are (much the way that synesthetes, who experience a combination of different sensory inputs in their brains, often grow up believing that everyone has synesthesia). That means you m...