At what step do you disagree regarding the ethics of factory farming?

At what step do you stop agreeing with this logical argument relating to animals? For each step, I'm also showing the percentage of disagreements on social media that involved this step (either direct disagreements with the step or disagreements with its premise). (There were a total of 63 such disagreements described across my posts on Facebook and X.) Note: any time the argument mentions something being wrong or immoral, you can treat it either as referring to something being (a) objec...

Three motivations for believing 

There are three different motivations for belief, and it's important to distinguish between them.  1) Belief because you think something's true. For instance, you may think that the evidence supports the idea that you will eventually find love, or you may feel convinced by logical arguments you've heard in favor of god's existence. 2) Belief because you think it's useful to believe.  Regardless of whether you predict something's true, you can predict that believing it will...