At what step do you disagree regarding the ethics of factory farming?

At what step do you stop agreeing with this logical argument relating to animals? For each step, I'm also showing the percentage of disagreements on social media that involved this step (either direct disagreements with the step or disagreements with its premise). (There were a total of 63 such disagreements described across my posts on Facebook and X.) Note: any time the argument mentions something being wrong or immoral, you can treat it either as referring to something being (a) objec...

Creating more moments of attention

Photo by Artem Podrez on Pexels
You obviously only have a certain number of hours in your life - but what's slightly less obvious is that you have a limited number of moments of attention in your life. When you pay attention to one thing, there is an opportunity cost - you could be paying attention to something else, like one of your loved ones, a meaningful project, your source of income, or a hobby you love. When you get sucked into a dumb argument online or read an upsetting news story (that will never lead you to ta...

Improving your feed using the Law of Social Media Manifestation

Photo by Rodion Kutsaiev on Unsplash
Imagine you lived in a universe where whatever you give your attention to gets drawn to you. So, if you pay attention to cute dogs on the street, you'll soon be followed by cute dogs all the time. And if you pay attention to the angry guy muttering to himself, soon there will be angry mutterers all around you. This is similar to what new age spiritualism calls the Law of Attraction ("you attract into your life what you focus on"). This is not how the real universe works. But you know what ac...