Is every action secretly selfish?

Photo by William Fortunato from Pexels
I often hear people claim that everything we do is "selfish" or ultimately aimed at our own pleasure (and avoidance of pain). The way the argument usually goes is that we wouldn't do something unless we "wanted" to do it - and that even for altruistic actions, we do them because they feel good. This view is sometimes called "psychological egoism:" the claim that every human action is motivated by self-interest. I think this claim is either seriously mistaken (if interpreted one way) or true but...

These epistemic methods really want you to trust them

Image by Nick Fewings on Unsplash
These epistemic methods really want you to trust them. Each tries to prove itself to you: 1. Tautologies are true by definition, 'cause tautologies are true by definition. 😎 2. Induction worked in the past, so it probably will in the future. 😉 3. If deduction solves your problem, and you want it solved, then you'll want to use deduction! 😊 4. If you thought Bayesianism had 3:1 odds, and you think this sentence is 2x more likely if Bayesianism than if not Bayesianism, ...